Saturday, August 31, 2019
Detection Step
Detection step:gh4h This step speaks about the detection design pattern in structural method or approach.Speake about the roles that important to define a pattern The specific relationship that used to detect the pattern. The high tolerance in detection to archive the high recall because the high precision will archive using ML step How extract and calculate the metrices for roles detected for that two patterns have similar structure. How decide the feature have appear in dataset depends of feature selection stepGive this dataset as input for classifier model created by learning step. The output will be classified roles for which pattern belongs.Specific things that recall less than 70% accuracy will taken as FP. Detection step (speak about detection the DP and their roles using highly tolerance design pattern detection approaches based in structure of design pattern and enhancing DPD tool to get all possible result might be DP. Extract selected metrics for this roles and give it to trained model to apply classification.Make comparing and performance and validation for models (FS vs notFS) (OP vs Not OP) (ensemble vs not for SVM, Ann, deep)? The comparative measure accuracy â⬠¦.à · Experiment and the result (I will use two pattern adapter and command to classification similar roles between those patterns , the accuracy will be model result accuracy and comparing the result with benchmark and previous studiesDetection step. The detection phase is divided into two steps: the structural detection design pattern roles step and roles distinguish step. The input in the first step will be the source code that we want to detect design pattern from, and the output is design pattern candidate roles, while the aim of our study distinguishes between patterns have a similarity of structural aspect the similar roles between two patterns will come out with the same name, the second step input is the candidate roles that are out of the first step and will be entered as input into learned classifier to classify roles according to which design pattern belongs. First step: structural detection Design pattern candidate is a group of classes, each class represents a role in design pattern and these classes connected together with a relationship according to the particular structure of design pattern. The similarities in design patterns occur due to the similarity of the structure of the corresponding patterns (the object-oriented relationship between these classes is same). This similarity leads to the problem of distinguishing between roles in similar structure design pattern that mean every role are corresponding to a role in another design pattern. Though identical in structure, the patterns are completely different in purpose In this step, the input will be the source code, and the output is a data-set that contains design pattern candidate roles associated with class metrics, as shown in figure?. To detect design pattern, we adjusted Tsantalis et al. work to produce similar roles in similar structural design patterns.for example, in state and strategy design patterns, there are two roles that influence the confusion of patterns (Strategy and State, Strategy_Context and State_Context ), the identical roles detected in this step will be under the same label(Strategy /State, Context). We have adapted a Tsantalis et al. approach to detect candidate by extending the definition of a design pattern roles to identify a set of design pattern roles with more tolerance regardless of the false positive and false negative results are permissible in this step that will be covered in next step using learned classifier model. next, software metrics for each design pattern roles produced are calculated and based on the feature selection step in learning phase meticas were selected to present them as features in a dataset, then the dataset normalized to prepare for next step. Second step: distinguishes between patterns have a similarity of structural.In this step, each design pattern role produced in the previous step is given to each design pattern classifier learned in the learning phase in order to determine which design pattern the design pattern role belong to, that the classifier is expert on. each similar structural design pattern roles are classified by a separate classifier with different subsets of features selected by feature selection method to best represent each one of them. Then, each classifier states its opinion with a confidence value. Finally, if the confidence value of the candidate combination of classes is located in the con- fidence range of that design pattern, then, the combination is a design pattern, otherwise it is not.4.ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âA. Chihada et al.Design pattern detection phase The input of this phase is a given source code and the output is design pattern instances existing in the given source code. To per-form this phase, the proposed method uses the classifiers learned in the previous phase to detect what groups of classes of the given source code are design pattern instances. This phase is divided into two steps, preprocessing and detection.3.2.1. Preprocessing In this section, we try to partition a given system source code into suitable chunks as candidate design pattern instances. Tsanalis et al. [7] presented a method for partitioning a given source code based on inheritance hierarchies, so each partition has at most one or two inheritance hierarchy. This method has a problem when some design pattern instances involving characteristics that extend beyond the subsystem boundaries (such as chains of delegations) cannot be detected. Furthermore, in a number of design patterns, some roles might be taken by classes that do not belong to any inheritance hierarchy (e.g., Context role in the State/Strategy design patterns [1]). In order to improve the limitations of the method presented in[7], we propose a new procedure that candidates each combination of b classes as a design pattern instance, where b is the number of roles of the desired design pattern. Algorithm 1 gives the pseudocode for the proposed preprocessing procedure. Algorithm 1.à The proposed preprocessing procedureInput: Source code class diagrams Output: Candidate design pattern instances1. Transform given source code class diagrams to a graph G2. Enrich G by adding new edges representing parent's relationships to children according to class diagrams3. Search all connected subgraphs with b number of vertices from G as candidate design pattern instances4. Filter candidate design pattern instances that haven't any abstract classes or interfaces 3.2.2. Design pattern detectionIn this step, each candidate combination of classes produced in the preprocessing step is given to each design pattern classifier learned in Phase I of the proposed method in order to identify whether the candidate combination of classes is related to the design pattern that the classifier is expert on. Then, each classifier states its opinion with a confidence value. Finally, if the confidence value of the candidate combination of classes is located in the confidence range of that design pattern, then, the combination is a design pattern, otherwise it is not.Phase One (Intra-Class Level)The primary goal of phase one is to reduce the searchspace by identifying a set of candidate classes for every rolein each DP, or in other words, removing all classes that aredefinitely not playing a particular role. By doing so, phase oneshould also improve the accuracy of the overall recognitionsystem. However, these goals or benefits are highly dependenton how effective and accurate it is. Although some falsepositives are permissible in this phase, its benefits can becompromised if too many candidate classes are passed to phasetwo (e.g. _ 50% of the number of classes in the softwareunder analysis). On the other hand, if some true candidateclasses are misclassified (they become false negatives), thefinal recall of the overall recognition system will be affected.So, a reasonable compromise should be struck in phase oneand it should favour a high recall at the cost of a low precision.Phase Two (Inter-Class Level)In this phase, the core task of DP recognition is performedby examining all possible combinations of related roles' candidates. Each DP is recognized by a separate classifier, whichtakes as input a feature vector representing the relationshipsbetween a pair of related candidate classes. Similarly, to rolesin phase one, different DPs have different subsets of featuresselected to best represent each one of them. Input featurevectors and model training are discussed in section V. The work that we present in this paper is built on the ideas of [11] where the author presents design pattern detection method based on similarity scoring algorithm.In the context of design pattern detection, the similarity scoring algorithm is used for calculating similarity score between a concrete design pattern and analyzed system. Let GA(system) and GB(pattern) be two directed graphs with NA and NB vertices. The similarity matrix Z isdefined as an NBÃâ"NA matrix whose entry SIJ expresses how similar vertex J (in GA) is to vertex I (in GB) and is called similarity score between two vertices (I and J). Similarity matrix Z is computed in iterative way: 0In [11] authors define a set of matrices for describing specific (pattern and software system) features (for example associations, generalizations, abstract classes). For each feature, a concrete matrix is created for pattern and for software system, too (for example association matrix, generalization matrix, abstract classes matrix). This processleads to a number of similarity matrices of size NBÃâ"NA (one for each described feature). To obtain overall picture for the similarity between the pattern and the system, similarity information is exploited from all matrices.In the process of creating final similarity matrix, different features are equivalent. To preserve the validity of the results, any similarity score must be bounded within therange ?0, 1?. Higher similarity score means higher possibility of design pattern instance. Therefore, individual matrices are initially summed and the resulting matrix is normalized by dividing the elements of column i (corresponding to similarity scores between all system classes and pattern role i) by the number of matrices (ki) in which the given role is involved. Tsantalis et al. in [6] introduced an approach to design pattern identification based on algorithm for calculating similarity between vertices in two graphs. System model and patterns are represented as the matrices reflecting model attributes like generalizations, associations, abstract classes, abstract method invocations, object creations etc. Similarity algorithm is not matrix type dependant, thus other matrices could be added as needed. Mentioned advantagesof matrix representation are 1) easy manipulation with the data and 2) higher readability by computer researchers. Every matrix type is created for model and pattern and similarity of this pair of matrices is calculated. This process repeats for every matrix type and all similarity scores are summed and normalized. For calculating similarity between matrices authors used equation proposed in [8]. Authors minimized the number of the matrix types because some attributes are quite common in system models, which leads to increased number of false positives. Our main concern is the adaptation of selected methods by extending their searching capabilities for design smell detection. Most anti-patterns haveadditional structural features, thus more model attributes need to be compared. We have chosen several smells attributes different from design patterns features which cannot be detected by original methods. Smell characteristics (e.g., what is many methods and attributes) need to be defined. On the other hand, some design patterns characteristics are also usable for flaw detection. Structural features included in both extended methods are:associations (with cardinality)generalizationsclass abstraction (whether a class is concrete, abstract or interface).5.2 Pattern Definition Process rasoolPattern definitions are created from selection of appropriate feature types which are used by the recognition process to detect pattern instances from the source code. Precision and recall of pattern recognition approach is dependent on the accuracy and the completeness of pattern definitions, which are used to recognize the variants of different design patterns. The approach follows the list of activites to create pattern definitions. The definition process takes pattern structure or specification and identifies the majorelement playing key role in a pattern structure. A major element in each pattern is any class/interface that play central role in pattern structure and it is easy to access other elements through major element due to its connections. For example, in case of Adapter pattern, adapter class plays the role of major element. With identification of major element, the process defines feature in a pattern definition. The process iteratively identifies relevant feature types for each pattern definition. We illustrate the process of creating pattern definitions by activity diagram shown in Figure 5.3. The activity ?define feature for pattern definition? further follows the criteria for defining feature type for pattern definition. It searches the feature type in the feature type list and if the desired feature is available in the list, it selects the feature type and specifies its parameters. If the catalogue do not have desired feature in the list, the process defines new feature types for the pattern definition. The process is iterated until the pattern definition is created which can match different variants of a design pattern. The definition of feature type checks the existence of a certain feature and returns the elements that play role in the searched feature. The pattern definitions are composed from organized set of feature types by identifyingcentral roles using structural elements. The pattern definition process reduces recognition queries starting definition with the object playing pivotal role in the pattern structure. The definition process filters the matching instances when any single feature type does not match desired role. The definition of Singlton used for pattern recogniton is given below in Figure 5.2. Pattern Definition The pattern definition creation process is repeatable that user can select a single featuretype in different pattern definitions. It is customizable in the sense that user can add/remove and modify pattern definitions, which are based on SQL queries, regular expressions, source code parsers to match structural and implementation variants of different patterns. The approach used more than 40 feature types to define all the GoF patterns with different alternatives. The catalogue of pattern definitions can be extended by adding new feature types to match patterns beyond the GoF definitions.Examples of Pattern DefinitionsWe used pattern creation process to define static, dynamic and semantic features of patterns. It is clarified with examples that how features of a pattern are reused for other patterns. We selected one pattern from each category of creational, structural and behavioral patterns and complete list of all GoF pattern definitions is given in Appendix B. We describe features of Adapter, Abstract factory method and Observer in the following subsections. 5.3.1To be able to work on design pattern instances we need a way to represent them in some kindof data structure. The model used by the Joiner specifies that a design pattern can be defined from the structural point of view using the roles it contains and the cardinality relationship between couple of roles. -We describe a design motif as a CSP: each role is represented as a variable and relationsamong roles are represented as constraints among the variables. Additional variables andconstraints may be added to improve the precision and recall of the identification process.Variables have identical domains: all the classes in the program in which to identify thedesign motif. For example, the identification of micro-architectures similar to the Compositedesign motif, shown in Fig. 3, translates into the constraint system: Variables:clientcomponentcompositeleafConstraints:association(client, component)inheritance(component, composite)inheritance(component, leaf)composition(composite, component)where the four constraints represent the association, inheritance, and composition relationssuggested by the Composite design motif. When applying this CSP to identifyoccurrences of Composite in JHOTDRAW (Gamma and Eggenschwiler 1998), the fourvariables client, component, composite, and leaf have identical domainsWe seek to improve the performance and the precision of the structural identificationprocess using quantitative values by associating numerical signatures with roles in designmotifs. With numerical signatures, we can reduce the search space in two ways:ââ¬â We can assign to each variable a domain containing only those classes for which thenumerical signatures match the expected numerical signatures for the role.ââ¬â We can add unary constraints to each variable to match the numerical signatures of theclasses in its domain with the numerical signature of the corresponding role. These two ways achieve the same result: they remove classes for which the numericalsignatures do not match the expected numerical signature from the domain of a variable,reducing the search space by reducing the domains of the variables.Numerical signatures characterise classes that play roles in design motifs. We identifyclasses playing roles in motifs using their internal attributes. We measure these internalattributes using the following families of metrics:
Friday, August 30, 2019
Exploring The Concept And History Of Art Museums Art Essay
In today ââ¬Ës society graphics has about turned itself into a famous person icon, with art gross revenues estimated to be over 13 billion per twelvemonth and apart from the drugs trade it is the biggest unregulated market in the universe. Museum civilization has hence had to alter over the old ages. Art museums used to be topographic points were people came to see art, whether it be pictures or sculptures. There are legion museums all over the universe and most major metropoliss will hold a celebrated museum. These museums draw big Numberss of tourers and art partisans to come and see the present and past pieces of art. The architecture of an art museum or gallery, peculiarly a modern art museum is frequently considered to be a work of art every bit much as the contents in the museum. The Guggenheim art museum in Spain is an illustration of an art museum which is famed for its elaborated an unusual architecture. Most art museums specialise in exhibiting a specific type of art, fo r illustration the Tate Modern in London is an art museum that entirely exhibits modern-day plants of modern art. 2.0 History In the seventeenth century there were no such things as art auctions, rich Godheads or affluent business communities would monetary value each object and invite buyers to come and see the art. This was a slow procedure as it lacked the exhilaration or inducement of today ââ¬Ës auctions. Some of these screenings would last for yearss and in the instance of Duchess of Portland lasted 38 yearss. The bulk of these gross revenues were sold for little net incomes. In 1795 Calonne and Trumbull were the first to accomplish high monetary values for there aggregations and towards the center of the nineteenth century an wholly new strain of aggregators were born ; they were for the most portion work forces who had made big lucks in industry in England and other states. They were untrammelled by ââ¬Å" roll uping â⬠traditions, and their investing was about entirely extended to the creative persons of the twenty-four hours. The dispersions of these aggregations began in 1863 with the Bi cknell Gallery, and continued at irregular intervals for many old ages The following large measure in the art universe was in America in the 1970 ââ¬Ës. Robert Skull and His married woman Ethel had acquired a big aggregation of inexpensive art, normally paying 1000-2000 lbs each for a Rauschenberg or a Jasper Johns and they besides purchased James Rosenquist ââ¬Ës f1 11 for 45k. Fig 1: James Rosenquist ââ¬Ës F1 11 ( ) Equally shortly as it was purchased Mr Skull lent it to the metropolitan manager of art in New York. This was a astute move immediately increasing its value of the picture. In the game between museums and aggregators, Mr Skull would shortly keep all the cards. On the 18th October 1973 the Skulls auctioned off 50 pieces from there aggregation. Mr Skull was a really sharp booster, the most written and talked about adult male in art at the clip. The auction was picked by angry creative person whose plants Skull had bought for non really much, including Robert Rauschenberg. The auction was a great success and broke many records in the art universe at that clip. After the Skull auction was over the art universe ââ¬Ës accent shifted from aesthetes to money ; everyone would desire a piece of the action. By the mid 1980s high monetary values made proprietors want to sell there aggregations, auction houses were flooded with expensive pieces. This attracted another new strain of purchaser to the biggest unregulated market in the universe, they viewed art strictly as an investing and monetary values went sky high. The cost of such monetary values was that art became admired non by any critical position but for its monetary value, auction houses were the new butcheries of gustatory sensation, directing some art to inflamed celebrity and this kept on traveling. These monetary values made it difficult to separate what was existent art and what was n't. It had a cultural map so that you could n't do your ain opinion. The rise in monetary values has affected museum civilization, when the metropolitan museum of art New York bought Aristotle contemplating idea of home run by Rembrandt, all of the rumors and all of the inquiries in the art universe so were inquiring ââ¬Ëis it traveling to be in the national gallery in London or the national gallery Washington? ââ¬Ë . In today ââ¬Ës society when anything of import comes on the market they are sent to private galleries who bid the highest to expose these chef-d'oeuvres. Fig 2: Aristotle contemplating idea of home run There is no manner a museum can vie ( ) in today ââ¬Ës market. The art museums of the yesteryear have non given up though. With the aid of mass media, accents on spectacle and the cult of the famous person chef-d'oeuvre museums have managed to pull the public back in. What has been gained in these new Numberss in the gallery has besides been lost with what they used to stand for. Today the Tate is a now trade name name, the Louvre is a trade name name and so is the Guggenheim. With the spread of these big planetary trade names come the creative persons that feature in them. 3.0 Damien Hirst The current richest life creative person in today ââ¬Ës society is Damien Hirst. He owes most of his success to a big private aggregator called Charles Saatchi. During the 1990 ââ¬Ës Hirst was a outstanding member of the Young British Artists who dominated the art scene in Britain during this clip. After Hirst left college he organized assorted independent exhibitions to which he was introduced to a adult male called Charles Saatchi. Charles Saatchi was a really wealth man of affairs and ran a planetary advertisement bureau with his brother. Mr. Saatchi loved art and helped patronize promising creative persons from the Young British Artists. When Saatchi saw Hirst ââ¬Ës major installing ( A Hundred Years ) consisting of a big glass instance incorporating maggots and flies Fig 3: A Hundred Old ages feeding off a decomposition cows caput he was astonished and so ( ) bought it. Over the following few old ages Hirst and Saatchi became close friends and in 1991, Ch arles Saatchi offered to fund whatever graphics Hirst wanted to do. The consequence was showcased in 1992 in the first Young British Artists exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery in North London which was besides owned by Mr. Saatchi.The Saatchi Gallery was a topographic point of modern-day art, and therefore the gallery ââ¬Ës shows, had distinguishable stages, get downing with US minimal art exhibitions, so showcased the adult male of the minute Damien Hirst along with the Young British Artists, Fig 4: The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, It was opened in 1985 by ( ) Mr Saatchi in order to demo his ample aggregation to the populace. The gallery was a major influence on art in Britain during its clip. It has besides had a history of media contention, which it has courted, and has had extremes of critical reaction. Quite a batch of creative persons shown at the gallery are unknown non merely to the general populace but besides to the commercial art world.The rubric to Hirst ââ¬Ës work was The Physical I mpossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, It featured a 14ft shark enclosed in a glass instance and became a symbol British art in the 1990 ââ¬Ës therefore being Hirst ââ¬Ës first major accomplishment. With the aid of Charles Saatchi Hirst was able to go on bring forthing art cognizing at the dorsum of his head his work was to be centre phase at the Saatchi Gallery. Over the following 12 old ages Damien Hirst became a family name as he produced other big decease related plants of art such as. Fig 5: Away from the Flock Fig 6: Mother and Child Divided Fig 7: Hymn Fig 8: Oops brown painting In April 2003, the Saatchi Gallery opened at new premises in London, with a show that included a Hirst retrospective. This brought an ever-growing strain in his relationship with Saatchi to a caput. Hirst disassociated himself from the retrospective to the extent that he has ne'er put it on his CV. Hirst said Saatchi was ââ¬Å" infantile â⬠and ââ¬Å" I ââ¬Ëm non Charles Saatchi ââ¬Ës barrel-organ monkeyâ⬠¦ He merely recognises art with his billfoldâ⬠¦ he believes he can impact art values with purchasing power, and he still believes he can make it. â⬠( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Shortly after this the brace had one more show together in the White Cube Gallery, London so went there separate ways. Today Damien Hirst is the universe ââ¬Ës richest life creative person ; he still continues to bring forth graphics and has had exhibitions all over the universe. His latest creative activity is called ââ¬ËLove of God ââ¬Ë . It was exhibited in the White Cube gallery, London and was a human skull recreated in Pt and covered with over eight 1000s diamonds and is estimated to of cost Hirst 15 million Fig 10: Love of God ( ) pounds to do. The asking monetary value for the piece was 50 million lbs ; although the piece did n't sell outright it was bought by a pool that included Hirst himself and his gallery the White Cube. In November 2008, Hirst exhibited the diamond skull at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, despite public contention. The skull was exhibited following to pictures from the aggregation of the museum that were selected and curated by Hirst. The museum manager, there was n't controversy nevertheless to demo the skull in the historic museum among the board members. Throughout Hirst art calling he physically doing all his early work, but from his rise celebrity and to day of the month he has ever used helpers. The sum of work he produces mean he needs a mill apparatus like Andy Warhol used to utilize in the 1970 ââ¬Ës when he founded ââ¬ËThe Factory ââ¬Ë . It was an art studio, were he employed art workers to mass green goods prints and postings. This method of bring forthing art has led inquiries about Hirst ââ¬Ës genuineness, and in 1997 a picture that Hirst said was a ââ¬Å" counterfeit â⬠appeared at sale, although he had antecedently said that he frequently had nil to make with the creative activity of these pieces. ââ¬Å" Hirst said that he had merely painted five topographic point pictures himself because, ââ¬Å" I could n't be sleep togethering arsed making it â⬠; he described his efforts as ââ¬Å" crap â⬠ââ¬â â⬠They ââ¬Ëre shit compared toâ⬠¦ the best individual who of all time painted musca volitanss for me was Rachel She ââ¬Ës superb. Absolutely sleep togethering brilliant. The best topographic point painting you can hold by me is one painted by Rachel. â⬠There is another narrative of a picture helper who was go forthing and asked for one of his pictures. Hirst told her to, ââ¬Å" ââ¬Ëmake one of your ain. ââ¬Ë And she said, ââ¬ËNo, I want one of yours. ââ¬Ë But the lone difference, between one painted by her and one of mine, is the money. ââ¬Å" ( Hirst, Damien and Burn, Gordon ( 2001 ) . On the Way to Work. Faber ) With art at head of concern and civilization in today ââ¬Ës society Museums have been forced to demo a new face lift image to pull the public back into its doors, while little galleries and auction houses have become the new genteelness evidences for up and coming creative person of tomorrow. The Architecture of these edifices themselves has besides had to alter. The White Cube Gallery in St.James ââ¬Ës London, the Guggenheim in New York which was renowned as one of the architectural icons of the twentieth century are both really good illustrations of alteration. 4.0 The White Cube The White Cube branded gallery, known most normally in the universe for its modern-day commercial art, is place to creative persons like Damien Hirst, Tracey Emin and many other internationally celebrated creative persons including members from the Young British Artists which is how it achieved its repute by giving one individual shows. Its most recent gallery opened in 2006 in St.James ââ¬Ës Street and was designed by MRJ Rundell & A ; Associates. It was the first free standing edifice in the country and he provides 5000 ftA? exhibition infinite. The gallery is a crisp-edged box and stands out from the edifices around it, Harmonizing to the Architects the edifice was designed to esteem the cardinal qualities of discretion and modesty of the St James ââ¬Ës country. Fig 11: White Cube Gallery ( ) 5.0 The Guggenheim The Guggenheim of New York was the first art museum edifice to be designed to retroflex a piece of art. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in the late 1950 ââ¬Ës it was a disclosure to the architecture universe. It is a edifice that has become every bit celebrated as the art aggregation it displays. The Guggenheim dances gracefully between Fig 12: Guggenheim New York ( ) architecture and sculpture. Since the gap of the Guggenheim New York the Guggenheim trade name has opened another three galleries in Venice, Berlin and Bilbao. The gallery in Bilbao was opened in 1997 and was designed by Frank Gehry. It is a dramatic construction with its swirling signifiers and its frontage of Ti, glass, and limestone.The curves on the edifice were designed to look random. Using computing machine plans to assist plan the edifice ââ¬Ës construction it made it executable to construct forms that architects off earlier old ages would hold found impossible to build. Fig 13: Guggenheim Bilbao ( ) With modern museums and galleries going more similar pieces of art, the following coevals of art galleries in my sentiment will be like fantasy islands pulling people non for the art but for the experience. The Guggenheim is constructing a new Gallery in Abu Dhabi which will be the largest Guggenheim in the universe with a floor infinite of 450,000 ftA? . The Guggenheim Abu Dhabi joins other taking international civilization establishments including the universe celebrated museum trade name the Louvre, in the unprecedented creative activity of a vivacious civilization finish for visitants from around the universe. 6.0 Decision The art universe attractively copies our money driven, famous person obsessed amusement civilization, same arrested development on celebrity, same obeisance to mass media that grabs our attending with its noise and waver. Art should do us experience more clearly, more intelligently, it should give us consistent esthesiss that which otherwise we would non hold had, that is what market civilization is killing. In the 1960 ââ¬Ës art was a manner of doing money, started as a drip and turned into a stampede. If art does n't state us about the universe we live in so I do n't believe there is much point in holding it.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Generalization: Black People and Young Men Essay
In daily life, you can find out man many generalization easily; such as, when you heard about crime, you immediately think of the drunken, unemployed, color people.. etc, or when you heard about Havardââ¬â¢s student, words describing like very smart, creative, sucess in life easily or something like that glance through your mind. In the same way, when you heard people depend on welfare, you immediately think that they are lazy, unemployed, have many children, never try to get any job and they are black people. However, do you think generalizations like above always right? Absolutely not. In my opinion, each person has each generalization, sometimes genelizations is similiar, but sometimes not. Wrong genelizations can be cause racism or unfair in life. To begin with an Gladwellââ¬â¢s article, because he mention generalization in one of his articles. In ââ¬Å"Troublemakersâ⬠, Gladwell argues that generalization is not easy, you must know exactly what is going on. Because of the attacks of pitt bull, it was banned by the Ontario goverment. They said that pitt bulls is very dangerous, can bite someone without warning signs, then, they decided banned it. In the same case with pitt bull, he gave us some example about young men driver always higher charges or doctors think that midle-ages easily get heart attack. In the same article, he also gave us example about terrorism. He said terrorist in our mind is totally different in real. We donââ¬â¢t know how a terrorists look like; can be a Arab men, can be a young men, can be black people, can be white people, can be lady, also can be a old men. Thatââ¬â¢s why, the goverment and the police, specific is New York Police Department have trouble in sketching terroristââ¬â¢s prolife. However, when NYPD use right generalization to make decrease crime in city. Back to the pitt bull, as we know, not all pitt bull are killer, moreover, dogs are good or bad also depend on owner. Most of case was attacked by pitt bull, the owner is often neglectful. However, it is still prohibited. Therefore, Gladwell said that is wrong generalization. As shown above, generalization is not always right. In a welfare statistics 2012, total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment): $131. 9 billion. This number is increasing every year. Besides, the global economics downturn, this number is very serious. Thatââ¬â¢s why, most of americans donââ¬â¢t like people who depend on welfare too much. Americans thought that it was one of cause badly affecting in life today. In the same statistic was shown above, percent of recipients who are black: 39. 8 %, thisââ¬â¢s highest percent. Next, base on those numbers, you are thinking that black people depend on goverment so much and they seem never try to getting job. Moreover, most of drunken and crime you can see everyday on the street are also black. In the same case, when you go to department of welfare center, you can easily realize that the number of black people is more than all. Now, you begin to default on your thinking that black people are lazy, drunken, crime and depend on welfare so much. Meanwhile, how we know they never try to find a job or try to do something? We donââ¬â¢t know. We also donââ¬â¢t know what is going on their life. They can really have more troubles than white, because of the racism. I have a small story, thatââ¬â¢s observation. Iââ¬â¢m living Northeast Phillies. Oneday, when I was from home to school, I saw some homeless man on the way to school, I counted five people and in which just have one black people. Now, where is problem? I know, thisââ¬â¢s just small story and it canââ¬â¢t generalize anything obvious. However, I think it enough for we look back at own conclusion. Fact that blacks depend on welfare more than others, donââ¬â¢t they? When we heard about black people, we immediately think of crime, drunkenâ⬠¦ And, thinking made us donââ¬â¢t want to hire them. Clearly, theyââ¬â¢ll unemployed. Next, they must depend on welfare to maintain life. Things like a circle and has no end. Until we change our thinking about them and giving them more opportunities, they are still depend on welfare. Not all black people depend on welfare, also not all pitt bull are killers. Finally, genaralization is really important and need shrewdness. You must observation everything what is happening around problems. Because a wrong genaralization can can lead to unnecessary mistakes.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Films as Essential Tools of National Historical Analysis Research Paper
Films as Essential Tools of National Historical Analysis - Research Paper Example Cinematic and narrative elements of movies together with other stylistic devices help to bring out the intended meaning or outcome. Modern filmmakers have creatively used various aspects that show events that depict historical growth of particular nations. These films show the reasons why certain historical aspects have faded away or have remained and why they hold particular importance to those nations. Au Revoir les Enfantes also known as Goodbye Children is about a French boarding school that is under the administration of priests (Everett 49). The school seems to be a place of protection where people enjoyed peace and harmony until a new student gets into the school. The new student was allocated a room, which he could share with a student who was top in his class. Despite the fact that they became rivals at their first contact, they later form an inseparable bond linked by a shared secret. They became friends one night when they got lost in the woods and are rescued by German so ldiers. The soldiers wrapped them in blankets and drove them back to school. The film was written and directed by Louis Malle. It was produced in the year 1987 (Everett 49). The movie is based on an event that happened in January 1944. Louis Malle was twelve years old when the incident happened. At that time, he was attending a Jesuit boarding school along Fountainebleau. After the Christmas holiday had ended, schools were back with normal classes and other operations. In the middle of the scholastic year, three new students joined the school one of whom became a rival and competitor with Mall. Malle used to top the class in scholastic domain. After several weeks in school, Germans arrested the young boy who competed with Malle together with the other newcomers. Julien did not know about the true identity of jean but tried as much as he could and learnt that Jean was a pseudonym. The headmaster of the school also disappeared at the same time. The three boys were of Jewish decent. Th e convent school in Au revoir les enfants, on the other hand, is an elite institution for wealthy children, and it attempts to insulate itself from events outside its walls. à This is also a familiar trope in Holocaust/Occupation films... the wealthy elite who go into denial and/or lie about what's going on around them in order to hang onto not just wealth and power, but also customs, tradition, and civility. As the film documents, films can be used to show important historical events that took place at a certain period in time. This film captures the events that took place during the Second World War and their impacts. It is a fiction film that was created from the memories from a journalistââ¬â¢s conscience (Aitken 207). It is a story about France during the Second World War. It is essential to note that the young boy, Jean Bonnet was different from the other students in the school. He had a curly hair and did not eat pork. However, the secret about his decent becomes an open secret when everyone knows that he is Jewish. The catholic priests who are the administrators of the school admitted the Jewish boys as an act of charity because the boys lived as pseudonyms because they did not know the whereabouts of their parents (Aitken 207). Malleââ¬â¢s films clearly show the use of the narrative trope of class, morality, and opportunity during crisis. For instance,à Lucien Lacombe is a working-class farm boy who is able to advance himself during the Vichy crisis,
Providing support to families of individuals with severe mental health Research Paper
Providing support to families of individuals with severe mental health diagnoses - Research Paper Example Clients suffering from mental problems such as depression are most likely to live with parents and other family members. Such clients require support to get through the recovery period and assist them from succumbing to their habits once more (Baucom, Shoham, Mueser,à Daiuto,à Stickle, 1998, p. 57). The National Institute of Mental Health has carried out a survey that proved an approximated 17 million adult citizens enduring depression on an annual basis (Becker and Drake, 2006, p. 149). Depression is a factual and psychological problem with an extreme price of suffering and decreased work output. At the same time, depression is a treatable mental illness. Curtis is an educational and coaching analyst at the University of California, who has evolved his profession by service users following an analysis opinion carried out by the National Institute of Mental Health. Curtis was enduring migraines, severe headaches, sleepless nights, hallucinations and even convulsions while working at the university. Curtis sought for psychological help from specialists. Even though his journey to recovery is still incomplete, he struggles with his symptoms, while sorrowful the financial and relationship losses that he has undergone (Kuyken, Dalgleish and Holden, 2007, p. 5). Curtis has been divorced twice in one year, with both spouses claiming that they do not get ââ¬Å"enough quality time since their husband is ever-working.â⬠Late working hours, constant interruption from students, banking alerts, family and children demands have continuously depleted Curtisââ¬â¢ mind as he seeks to satisfy each of the needs. Therefore, Curtis sought for mental help at the National Institute of Mental Health. As a result, his siblings, children and career colleagues played a enormous role in causing his depression, as well as offering support for mental help. In accordance with my professional help, self-help and mutual
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